Bentley Meeker is an artist living and working in Manhattan, New York. His practice employs the creation of multi-disciplinary installations with one unifying intrinsic motif; light. As an enthusiast of light and the varieties of light there are, Bentley weaves their key properties through his immersive compositions. The work functions as a development of an awareness of light’s influences, to those who experience it. A further awareness, also, of the multi-faceted sources of man-made light: incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, Edison, LED. Illumination comes with crucial sensibilities that affect us all. These effects are thus exposed to us, biologically. Past notable shows have included lighting the temple at Burning Man in 2011 and 2013, "Flame to Now" at Gallery nine5. His special exhibition at The Whitney Museum of American Art, "Flame to Now IV", involved five large-scale overhead light rigs, each focusing on the five most common forms of artificial lighting.


Bentley has blurred the line between art and commerce for 22 years as the owner of his lighting company, Bentley Meeker Lighting and Staging. He continues to push the borders of the lighting community, and his art installations allow a platform for us to access our personal relationship with light and its effects.

Ⓒ 2014 Bentley Meeker Ⓒ 2014 Bentley Meeker